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How To Gain Retweets On Your Post?

How To Gain Retweets On Your Post?

Twitter has spawned its tentacles across the globe. With a reported 330 million active users in the first quarter of 2019 and about 145 million monetizable daily active users, the app is a powerhouse when it comes to social media marketing. With such broad coverage, it is no surprise that everyone is getting a slice of the pie, from corporations to world leaders, business owners, and people from all walks of life.

Everyone is after the “retweets” and engagements these days. However, the big question is, how do you get millions of people to read, let alone retweet your posts amidst the innumerable tweets frequently churned out? Look at more info here, and you will discover strategies to not only improve your visibility but to get steady retweets when you post.

  1. Be active on other posts:Twitter is a bit of a give and take. When you respond to different content, you find it easier to build rapport, get likes, and retweets in the process. When you retweet other posts in a logical sense to avoid being shadow-banned, there are chances of you having more engagements on your tweets.
  2. Learn to keep tweets brief:Hey, it’s social media; no one has time to read long, didactic content as there are millions of other posts begging for engagements. So, make sure to keep your tweets as brief as possible. Statistics hold that most posts that get retweets are often between 80 and 110 characters. So, make it a rule to always keep your tweets as brief as possible.
  3. Use images: A popular cliche says, “a picture speaks a thousand words.” When it comes to getting retweets, this theory holds. Twitter says that posts that have pictures always have a 313% chance of getting engagements. This means that, when you are out there seeking retweets, always ensure you include images to capture your audience’s attention.
  4. Don’t let it get dull:Posting similar contents over time eventually gets boring. After all, variety is the spice of life. Always see to it that your posts cover a wide range of relevant and relatable topics. You can also keep your followers’ enthusiasm through quotes, funny gifs, and keeping your original content interesting. With this, you will find that you are in line to get massive retweets every time you post.
  5. Give value: Offer value at all times. Don’t post irrelevant content and expect retweets: post educative, informing, and entertaining content. When you provide value, users are held spellbound, increasing your followership and visibility.
  6. Use the right hashtags: Tweets with the right hashtags have a 1,065% chance of engagement. Tweets with the right hashtags also have a 35% chance of getting a retweet. Always ensure you anchor your tweets on trending hashtags to get better viewings and retweets in the long run.

As you type up that next tweet, follow these practical steps, and be rest assured that the frustration accompanying your lack of retweets and engagements will become history.


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